It All Started With A Vaccine - Passionate For Truth

It All Started With A Vaccine

I’m sitting here knowing that I need to do something with all that I’ve been through, because there is no way it has all been for nothing!  As I look back over the last 16 years or so of my life and think about all that it has brought … ups and downs, joys and heartaches, lessons learned, things overcome and many victories, I realize that I’m not the only one who has dealt with, struggled with and persevered through things that have changed life in ways that could never have been imagined.  That’s when it hit me – it all started with a vaccine.

May 1999.  I took my daughter into the doctor’s office for the obligatory pre-K vaccinations.  I was a good mom who knew the dates of all of the vaccine schedules, and I made sure that my children were always right on schedule.  Period.

Not more than thirty minutes after that visit, upon arriving home, my daughter was sitting in her room in front of her vanity mirror brushing her hair like a little princess.  That’s when I first saw it …. Her arms up in the air brushing her hair, and then no brushing … just her little arms stuck in the position with no movement … as if she froze in time.  Weird, I thought, as her back was to me.  I got her ready for bed.

The next day we were in the kitchen baking.  She was on her chair at the counter, like always, stirring away at the batter as she loved to do when we made cookies.  Then it happened again… catatonic in her movement, frozen in time…. Weird.  These two moments in my life will remain firm in my mind forever.

Later these ‘staring spells’ as I called them manifested with her spinning in circles unaware, humming while dazing off with blank stares, stopping mid sentence when speaking only to come out of it shaking her head and saying ”sorry” as she tried to remember what she had been talking about before being ‘interrupted’ in her mind.  That’s when we realized that it might be some kind of seizure.

Seizure?  What in the world?  Aren’t seizures violent?  Once the realization hit I panicked and made an emergency appointment with our pediatrician.  I was in a daze, wondering what this meant.

By the time we had our appointment, I had been able to take some video of her having her ‘spells’ to show the doctor what we were talking about, as there was no rhyme or reason to when another one would occur.  The pediatrician seemed indifferent.   After watching the video and listening to my recounting of the days leading up to the appointment, she confirmed that yes, these were seizures.  They are classified as petite-mal or absence seizures.   She recommended that we have an EEG done to confirm, and then see a pediatric neurologist (the only one in my town).

That’s where it became very real.  We had no idea what we were dealing with, nor the journey we had just been plunged into.  Preparation for the EEG is very difficult – you have to keep your child awake till midnight, let them sleep no more than 4 hours, then wake them and keep them awake until the appointment (we drove to the hospital for the EEG with all the windows in the car down for the cool morning air to keep her ‘invigorated’ as well as her favorite music blasting while we sang at the top of our lungs to keep her awake for the 40 minute ride to the hospital).  They hooked her up with over 100 electrodes all over her head, and then proceeded with the test over the next 2 hours.

Yes, she was experiencing absence seizures, at the amount of hundreds per day.  Back to the doctors to tell you that the vaccines had nothing to do with it, and here’s some seizure medication.  Be sure to check her kidney’s every three months to make sure they are functioning okay, as the seizure meds can do damage to them.  What?  You still think the seizures started right after the vaccinations?  But they don’t cause seizures? Fine, you can report the vaccine injury to the National Vaccine Information Center if you are so inclined to keep pushing that idea.  Have a nice day….

As I left the hospital with my daughter in her car seat safely secured in the back seat, I immediately called a Naturopath in my area who saw my daughter that next hour.  She stressed the importance of trying to rid her body ASAP of all heavy metals associated with vaccines before any more damage was done.  Heavy metals?  What was she talking about?  And so our journey began.  I plunged myself into finding out how to help heal my daughter.

We pursued mainstream medicine avenues at first.  Anti-seizure meds only exacerbated her problems and brought on a host of others, and they had no other options for us than that.  They had not proven to help us in any way – if anything, all their suggestions made things worse.  I just knew there had to be another way.  The amazing part of my daughters healing journey is that it has been somewhat like an onion.  We have peeled away issue by issue and sought to rectify each aspect of her health.  Over the years following the initial vaccine injury, the toxic build up and damage caused by the vaccines triggered more issues as time when on.  She was suffering with everything from the initial petite mal seizures that grew into monthly grand mal seizures, to migraines, thyroid issues, hormone imbalance, leaky gut, heavy metal toxin overload, and an inability to absorb nutrition.  It affected her schooling, her sleep, her energy levels, her friendships, her life.

Here I am, 17 years later, realizing how much vaccines have affected my daughter’s life, my life and the life of my entire family.  Even though we’ve lived with the damage as a daily reality for all of these years, it’s not until I really stop to think about the journey that I understand the toll it has taken on all of us.   Albeit, we would not have not learned many of the things we have had our circumstances been different, this experience has definitely changed the course of all of our lives.  We have been blessed in many ways because of it.  All is not lost!

I have researched about vaccines, what they contain, their effects, consequences, damage, and the amazing ability that our bodies have to heal through natural means.  As we are coming out the other side to near complete healing on my daughter’s part, I have realized that it is finally time to put the puzzle pieces together in the hopes of enlightening others.  All that we’ve been through should not be wasted by remaining silent about what we’ve experienced and learned.  I know that if giving out what I’ve learned can inspire one person research, ask questions, make a different choice, reverse health problems or be able to ‘undo’ any already done vaccine, food or lifestyle damage, then my time and energy is worth it and my purpose in life becomes even more clear.

Sometimes they aren’t easy decisions to make … is the disease more dangerous or the vaccine?  Is it worth it to change my diet to regain my health?  Please inform yourself so that you can make decisions for you and your family that you are confident about!

This entire journey has led me to be a master researcher and an expert through experience.  Everything that I talk about in this website/blog may seem all over the map to some, however it all comes directly from my own trials, tribulations, and proof in my life as I’ve learned about how food and other things that we think are benign can hurt.  For my experience, it eventually all has tied together and pointed back to that one day in 1999 that triggered a new perspective on everything.  Even more-so,  I have discovered how real food can be our healer and our medicine.  That we are not doomed to a life of sickness because it is who we are.  We are created with an amazing ability to heal, and have been provided with everything that we need to do just that! Being armed with the truth about a whole host of things has solved a lot of problems and dispelled many fears for me.  I pray that my experiences and research will benefit all who care to check things out for themselves.  I have chosen to live with hope.  I pray you will too!

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Comments 6

  1. Gwenette
    December 11, 2017

    I have just read your story for the first time. How is that? What a journey and what an encouragement you are. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We had so many life threatening emergencies, that I have barely been able to keep my head above water and I am constantly working on my business , for what? I do not know. Material things, and the focus on them only complicate my life more. I can’t buy Christian, my son, a healthy life, but yet it seems my focus had to be somewhere and I thought , I will have that money for all that oil and all the supplements he will ever need. Is that not crazy? Business has been my focus outside of research. It’s almost like I have to have control of something , when we both know as grown women, I do not have control over anything. God just led me to you today, for some reason and I thank him for it. Christian is happier serving Him than anything and I am thankful for that, but I feel as though I need many prayers as to what God wants me to do in All areas. I feel like I have just been running, trying to get somewhere, but no destination. Just business. I am venturing into all your research and really into your heart? How did you make it, how do you serve so faithfully everyday. Why do I keep thinking , my house is way too big, so wasteful. I realize each day how much really matters and it’s not what I escape to that does. I just need prayers. I think you really tuned in on what’s important in life. I have tuned too much into business, it’s an escape mechanism for me. That escape does not feel purposeful though. It’s just doing, not living with such purpose. I really do admire your testimony, your missions, in all aspects of your life. My husband is So encouraging, but we keep building this business on top of his regular fulltime job and I do not even think it’s what Christian wants to do. He has always enjoyed church , loves helping in ministry, and loves studying the Bible. He signed up for an online Biblical program at Liberty University, but registration has been put on hold 2 times due to being in the hospital from status epilepticus. It is happening less, since meds have been cut , but he is working to get this pumped removed that I found out lowers the seizure threshold and 10% of people(reported) start having seizures on it but yet the doctors were clueless to that. I am trying everything and will continue to. We have made progress. On all meds he was in status every 2 weeks and now, we had made it 7 weeks recently. His withdrawal from the pump will take a year or more but he is determined. Thanks for your prayers. I am going to learn all I can from your page. Thanks so much for helping others and I will be using your amazon links when I order what I need to.

    1. PFT1
      December 17, 2017

      Thank you Gwenette for your encouragement and your honesty! It is not an easy road for any of us, but with God’s grace, mercy and guidance, we can move on each day with hope for the purpose that He has called us to. We all learn every day – some good things about life, our journey, and God, right along side of some things about ourselves that we see Him refining in the fire. So many things in our lives, our perspectives, our hopes and dreams may change, but my prayer is that for all who walk a similar road, it would ultimately lead to His glory! Doing everything we can for those we love and care about isn’t a bad thing – we are just in the process of learning truth and coupling all of that with perspective. I’m so glad to have you with me and pray that we see more and more purpose in our lives, those of our children, and in God’s healing and will for all of us!

  2. Gizelle Green
    October 11, 2018

    Rachell, what a journey! Thank you for sharing, I am sure you are well able to help point others in the right direction.
    My experience was with the MMR vaccine, my son had this high pitched scream for hours afterwards. When I mentioned that to the doctor, he didn’t seem concerned even though I was, considering the sound was so not normal for him. Next came my daughter…..I was offered the MMR, told the doctor about my son’s experience and my concern but he assured me that experiences are not linked in siblings, so encouraged me to go ahead. Young and dumb, thinking doctors know best….we went ahead. Same experience….she screamed that awful high pitched sound a couple of hours later….I wonder what that was doing to their brains?! Again, reporting back to the family doctor, he was “totally surprised”!

    I didn’t feel right about vaccines as a young mum, we should really encourage young mothers to trust their gut instinct, over the advice of so-called professionals.

    1. PFT1
      October 17, 2018

      Hi Gizelle – I agree whole-heartedly! Moms are only trying to do what they have been told and think is best for their children, just like you and I both were (and still are!). The good thing that can come out of stories like mine and yours is that we have first hand experience to share the real-life implications and hopefully shed light on information for them to research further for themselves, not make the same mistakes we did by not knowing (so much more is available for them to know these days!), and use our situations to hopefully shed some truth on things. We are the best advocates for our children, and this is very serious stuff! Thank you for your encouragement!!!

  3. Anastasia
    September 19, 2020

    Hi Rachelle, I just found your website today.
    Thanks for sharing! Which vaccines did your daughter get that triggered her seizures?
    I also believe that my son’s myoclonic seizures started with a vaccination (Twinrix Jr for Hepatitis) at age 4.

    1. PFT1
      October 1, 2020

      Hi Anastasia – It breaks my heart to hear about your son, but please be encouraged that there is hope in recovery (especially if you can get on things quickly at an early age/early stage of the condition).
      My daughter’s seizures started 20 minutes after receiving her Kindergarten battery of vaccines – everything from Dtap, polio, MMR, etc. We do know that her heavy metal testing showed her to be in the 95th percentile for toxicity in both mercury and aluminum. There are many things that you can do do help detox pathways for any involvement there, as well as supporting nutritionally – creating an anti-inflammatory state in the body is key.

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