Seizure Recovery Thyroid Protocol - Passionate For Truth

Inadequate thyroid function can be directly related to your seizure threshold and seizure activity.

Seizures are recognized as a common symptom of inadequate thyroid function, and many of the things that contribute to and/or cause thyroid insufficiency can also be connected to seizures.  It is important to understand that many of the standard treatments for thyroid insufficiency as well as for seizure activity are not as effective as we would like in completely recovering the underlying issues. 

The Seizure Recovery Thyroid Protocol is designed to give you a big picture of how your thyroid connects to the rest of your body, how all of those pieces relate to seizure activity, to arm you with vital information and guide you in what you can do about recovering seizures as naturally as possible.


The one hour Consultation is designed to discuss the details of how to recognize thyroid issues as well as teach you how to monitor your thyroid function and activity.  You will receive detailed information, lists and tools that include the many facets that there are to help your thyroid recover or function optimally in a safe, nutritional way.  This information and protocol may also be a key step in overall seizure recovery.



Master Controller


Connected and Affected


Simple Changes


Recovery Support

Your thyroid is one of the most influential organs in your body. The butterfly-shaped gland in your neck produces hormones that regulate metabolism—how your cells convert nutrients into and use energy—and ultimately keeps all the systems in your body in line and functioning properly.

Thyroid problems can be tricky to spot, which is why a majority of those with thyroid disease aren’t aware of their condition.

Let me help make it all easier for you.

In my own life, after many, many years of traditional thyroid testing and treatment, I discovered that several assessments of doctors and scientific professionals, as well as the discoveries of others with whom I have worked who specialize in thyroid recovery and maintenance, concur that there are signs to watch for, ways to recover thyroid insufficiency naturally, and ways of evaluating your thyroid function aside from the typical blood tests most often described.

Some Recommended Extras


“It can be challenging to diagnose because no two people have the same two sets of symptoms,” says Anne Cappola, MD, professor of medicine in the division of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at the University of Pennsylvania.

According to Lita Lee, PhD, chemist and enzyme nutritionist (among others), there are no accurate medical tests for thyroid function.  A person may have their personal normal levels of thyroxine (T4), but not be converting it adequately into the active form of the thyroid hormone (T3). 

No need to worry, however, as there are other methods available to adequately monitor your thyroid function.

Protocol Consultation

Understanding the thyroid’s role in seizure activity.

Foods And Supplements

   Lifestyle and nutritional instructions for optimization and recovery.

Health Results

Healthy Gut
Healthy Brain

Years of research and years of practicum in personally recovering thyroid illness and it’s effect on overall wellness including but not limited to female issues like estrogen dominance, migraines, seizures, and more have led to the creation of this in- depth protocol.   You will gain the understanding you need and be provided with tools to help you to improve, nourish and support your normal body function and structure at it’s core.

The tangled web of information for good health can be daunting.  Join me – Learn the tips that are not easily available to uncover, and understand the details of how your thyroid supports your entire body, how it interacts with a host of issues, and how you can help your body to overcome its health struggles from the root up.

Schedule your Seizure Recovery Thyroid Protocol Consultation and begin your journey of hope in health.

Protocol Options



  • One on One 60 Minute Personal Skype Call
  • Understanding The Thyroid’s Connection to Seizure Activity
  • Question and Answer Session
  • Protocol Instructions and Charts


    • Receive Written Seizure Recovery Thyroid Protocol Including:
    • Suggested Supplements
    • Specialty Food Lists and Links
    • Food Do’s and Don’ts Protocol
    • Food Protocol Shopping Lists
    • At Home Thyroid Function Testing Instructions
    • Thyroid Function Testing Chart
    • Thyroid Function Testing Graph


  • ( ) Week Class
  • Step by Step Instructions
  • Studies and Detailed Information Regarding The Thyroid Seizure Connection
  • ( ) Live Q and A Sessions

*Details to be determined*

Use The SAVE YOUR SPOT Button To Be Notified When Class Details Are Available


* All services are based on an individual case by case basis. For more details Send Request

*CONSULT:  You will be contacted to schedule your consult upon receipt of payment.

*THYROID RECOVERY PROTOCOL INSTRUCTION AND CHARTS:  You will receive an email with all of the information you need to access information and downloads upon receipt of payment.

*CLASS:  Please use the ‘save your spot‘ button under the class option above for the contact form to sign up to be notified when the class is available and for all class details and pricing.

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    I am not a licensed practitioner, physician, dietician, nurse or medical professional. In the course of our relationship I will offer no medical treatments, nor will I diagnose you.

    If you have a medical condition of any kind, you must maintain treatment as prescribed by your physician regardless of my recommendations or advice, or any use of recommended online guides, supplementation, websites or products. In the case of medical diagnoses, it is vital to work with your physician to determine the best course of action; and to never replace one treatment for another that goes against your physician’s advice.

    None of the recommendations, suggestions or written information provided have been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to replace medical advice of any kind. Wellness consulting is not a prescriptive service; all consultations written or otherwise should be considered as purely informational and carried out at the individual’s own risk, and with the approval of your medical professional. The information presented is never intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    “Every step of thyroid recovery using these principles led to reduced seizure activity, quicker recovery time, and ultimately freedom from seizures by maintaining a thyroid healthy lifestyle as part of my overall seizure recovery and maintenance!  Thank you for all of your time, research and knowledge put into practice to help solve the seizure recovery puzzle!”
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