Thyroid Can Be Measured Using Temperature And Pulse Rate - Passionate For Truth

Thyroid Can Be Measured Using Temperature And Pulse Rate

Thyroid function became a real concern in seizure recovery for us as there seemed to be a direct link between thyroid deficient symptoms and seizure activity.  Using temperature and pulse rate to measure thyroid function proved to be a valid and accurate way to keep tabs on how the thyroid was gaining good ground in restoring to its full functional capabilities.  In turn, there was improvement in seizure activity as the thyroid was optimized.

Thyroid Function Is Can Be Measured Using Temperature And Pulse Rate

Thyroid hormone is necessary for respiration on the cellular level, and makes possible all higher biological functions. Without the metabolic efficiency which is promoted by thyroid hormone, life couldn’t get much beyond the single-cell stage. Without adequate thyroid, we become sluggish, clumsy, cold, anemic, and subject to infections, heart disease, headaches, cancer, and many other diseases, and seem to be prematurely aged, because none of our tissues can function normally.  Measuring the amount of thyroid in the blood isn’t a good way to evaluate adequacy of thyroid function, since the response of tissues to the hormone can be suppressed (for example, by unsaturated fats). In the 1930’s accurate diagnosis was made by evaluating a variety of indications, including basal oxygen consumption, serum cholesterol level, pulse rate, temperature, carotenemia, bowel function, and quality of hair and skin. A good estimate of thyroid can be measured using temperature and pulse rate.

What Does Normal Thyroid Function Look Like According To Temperature And Pulse Rate?

Oral or armpit temperature, in the morning before getting out of bed, should be around 98F, and it should rise to 98.6F by mid-morning. This is not valid if you sleep under and electric blanket, or is the weather is hot and humid. A person who is hypothyroid produces heat at a low rate, but doesn’t lose it at a normal rate, since there is less sweating, and the skin is relatively cool. Many hypothyroid people compensate with high adrenalin production (sometimes 40 times higher than normal), and this tends to keep the skin cook, especially on the hands, feet, and nose. The high adrenalin is the consequence of low blood glucose, so a feeding of carbohydrate, such as a glass of orange juice, will sometimes lower the pulse rate momentarily. Healthy populations have an average resting pulse of about 85 per minute. Especially in hot weather it is useful to consider both temperature and pulse rate.” (1)

Basal Thyroid Temperature Test

The late Dr. Broda Barnes introduced the basal temperature test as an easy way to determine adequate thyroid function. It’s important to do an oral temperature test. The oral temperature is measured with an oral digital thermometer after arising. Women should do this during their menses to ensure missing the rise of temperature during ovulation. The morning oral temperature after arising should be 98.0 degrees F. It should then rise to 98.6-99 degrees F between 11 am and 2 pm and the resting daytime pulse should be around 85 beats per minute. The national average is around 72. If your pulse is less than 80, you may have an underactive thyroid (however a hypothyroid person with high adrenalin can have a pulse of as high as 150). Babies have a pulse greater than 100 until around the age of eight years when the pulse slows down to around 85. Dr. Peat says that the idea of a slow pulse being healthy is folklore. “Thyroid needs increase during the cold, dark winters and decrease during the warm summer days when there is more sunlight. In addition to the seasons, any kind of stress hinders thyroid function.” -Lita Lee, PhD

“Basal” body temperature is influenced by many things besides thyroid. The resting heart rate helps to interpret the temperature, however, in a cool environment, the temperature of the extremities is sometimes a better indicator than the oral or eardrum temperature.”  A therapeutic trial was the final test of the validity of the diagnosis: If the patient’s symptoms disappeared as his temperature and pulse rate and food intake were normalized, the diagnostic hypothesis was confirmed. Whatever objective indicator was used, whether it was basal metabolic rate, or serum cholesterol, or core temperature, or reflex relaxation rate, a simple chart would graphically indicate the rate of recovery toward normal health.”

How Do I Track My Thyroid Temperature And Pulse Rate?

You can begin today by downloading the Thyroid Temperature and Pulse Chart and Thyroid Activity Graph.  Start tracking the very basics of your metabolic function to begin your recovery with real time information!




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**Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I don’t play one here at Passionate For Truth. This is not medical advise. These remedies are shared for your benefit because of my own research and/or personal experience and are for educational purposes only. I hope to encourage you to research some of these possibly ‘newer’ ideas to you for yourself! Remedies shared are not meant to diagnose, treat, nor stated to cure any disease. Your medical decisions are completely up to you. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. See my full disclaimer here.




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