Comments: Forums
- Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.
- Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information.
Keep in mind that although my armor is in tact, I still ask that you remain respectful to me as well as toward other readers on this website. Not everyone agrees on everything (way to state the obvious, right?!). I welcome kind and thoughtful discussion and questions, but I am not interested in using this platform as an avenue for bashing others or being disrespectful or rude in any manner. If you have another point of view, I will respect it. If you have additional information, sources, studies or links, I welcome it as my whole intent is to discover the truth and share it with others. I will always reserve the right to delete or ban any inappropriate dialogue, spam, self-promotion or name-calling or general rudeness towards me, this website, or others commenting. If you aren’t able to handle yourself, I’ll put you in a ‘time-out’ and remove you from the conversation, and possibly access all together. Be a kind and thoughtful grown-up and everything will be just fine!
The purpose of this website it’s commentary and comments is to uncover truth, encourage others and improve life while allowing for the uniqueness in how we were each created and allowing for our own personal decisions. Any of my ‘controversial’ views are represented simply because I am passionate about what I know, have experienced first hand and believe strongly with all of my heart. If I think that something might be detrimental to your family, life, health or future, I am driven to share the truths in case you didn’t know, never considered, or are looking for them. I also want to encourage you and support you while upholding truth.